Command Prompt

Command Prompt is a command line interpreter application available in most Windows operating systems. It’s used to execute entered commands. Most of those commands automate tasks via scripts and batch files, perform advanced administrative functions, and troubleshoot or solve certain kinds of Windows issues.

How do I get a command prompt?

Press Windows+R to open “Run” box. Type “cmd” and then click “OK” to open a regular Command Prompt. Type “cmd” and then press Ctrl+Shift+Enter to open an administrator Command Prompt.


CMD Basics

call calls a batch file from another one
cd change directory
cls clear screen
cmd start command prompt
color change console color
date show/set date
dir list directory content
echo text output
exit exits the command prompt or a batch file
find find files
hostname display host name
pause pauses the execution of a batch file and shows a message
runas start a program as another user
shutdown shutdown the computer
sort sort the screen output
start start an own window to execute a program or command
taskkill terminate a process or a application
tasklist display applications and related tasks
time display/edit the system time
timeout wait any time
title set title for prompt
ver display operating system version
w32tm setting time synchronisation/time server/time zone

CMD Networking and Miscellaneous

ftp transfer files to a FTP server
ftype display file type and mapping
getmac display MAC address
ipconfig display IP network settings
netsh configure/control/display network components
netstat display TCP/IP connections and status
nslookup query the DNS
pathping test the connection to a specific IP address
ping pings the network
route display network routing table, add static routes
systeminfo displays computer-specific properties and configurations
telnet establish Telnet connection
tftp transfer files to a TFTP server
tracert trace routes similar to patchping
for for loop
gpresult display group policies
gpupdate update group policies
perfmon start performance monitor
prompt change command prompt
reg add/read/import/export registry entries

CMD File/Media

attrib display file attributes
comp compare file contents
compact display/change file compression
copy / xcopy copy files
diskcomp compare content of two floppy disks
diskcopy copy floppy disc to another one
erase / del delete one or more files
expand extract files
fc copare files and display the differences
mkdir create a new directory
move move/rename files
rename rename files
replace replace files
rmdir / rd delete directory
tree display folder structure graphically
type display content of text files
chkdsk check volumes
chkntfs display/change volume check at startup
defrag defragment media
diskpart volume management
driverquery display installed devices and their properties
format format volumes
label change volume name
mode configure interfaces/devices
mountvol assign/delete drive mountpoints
verify monitoring whether volumes are written correctly
vol show volume description and serial numbers of the HDDs

Mizogg Colours

How to add colour to Command Prompt (CMD) : Here is some basic script to make text different colours in CMD:

Sample Image

Script Below:

1 Echo Off
2 title Mizogg Colours
3 SET var=%cd%
4 cd %var%
5 cls
6 SETLOCAL EnableDelayedExpansion
7 for /F “tokens=1,2 delims=#” %%a in (‘”prompt #$H#$E# & echo on & for %%b in (1) do     rem”‘) do (
8   set “DEL=%%a”
9 )
10 call :colorEcho 0a “Bitcoin”
11 echo.
12 call :colorEcho 0b “Satoshi”
13 echo.
14 call :colorEcho 0c “Mining”
15 echo.
16 call :colorEcho 0d “Blockchain”
17 echo.
18 call :colorEcho 0e “ECDSA”
19 echo.
21 call :colorEcho 0f “SHA256”
21 echo.
22 call :colorEcho 01 “Wallet”
23 echo.
24 call :colorEcho 02 “Public Key”
25 echo.
26 call :colorEcho 03 “Private Key”
27 echo.
28 call :colorEcho 04 “Transactions”
29 echo.
30 call :colorEcho 05 “Generator”
31 echo.
32 call :colorEcho 06 “RipeMD-160”
33 echo.
34 call :colorEcho 07 “R,S,Z Values”
35 echo.
36 call :colorEcho 08 “Double SHA256”
37 echo.
38 call :colorEcho 09 “”
39 echo.
40 pause
41 exit
42 :colorEcho
43 echo off
44 <nul set /p “.=%DEL%” > “%~2”
45 findstr /v /a:%1 /R “^$” “%~2” nul
46 del “%~2” > nul 2>&1\

This Should be the expected output….

If you would like to download the Mizoggcolours.txt Mizoggcolours.txt

Hint Rename Mizoggcolours.txt to Mizoggcolours.bat to RUN


Mizogg Image/logo

How to add an Image/Logo to Command Prompt (CMD) : Here is How the Mizogg  Logo is created: First of all you need to convert your image to ASCII. To do this get your Image/Logo and convert from here

save your output to Notepad++ file.

Now time edit and convert file to work with your Picture/Logo.

Mizogg logo In NotePad++

Mizogg logo In NotePad++

This Should be the Output

If you would like to download the MizoggImage.txt MizoggImages.txt

Hint Rename MizoggImages.txt to MizoggImages.bat to RUN